20 February 2011


Upon Friday the 1st March next at 12 o'clock noon, there will be exposed to sale by public roup, within the house of Baillie George Lyon at Inverury, if not previously disposed of by private bargain,

The several Pieces of GROUND and HOUSES in and about the Burgh of INVERURY, which belonged to Baillie JOHN STEPHEN, and now to his heirs, consisting of several BURGH ROODS and HOUSES built thereon.  The RIEVE HAUGH, the GALLOWFOLD, the SANDYKNOW HAUGH, and WILLINGWELL HAUGH.

At same time will be sold by way of feu, the Piece of Ground called the BROOMFOLD, in different Lots or Stances, as already divided and laid off.

Entry to the whole, except the Burgh Roods and houses built thereon, will be given immediately after the roup.

Baillie Lyon, or John Stephen, at Inverury, will shew the premises, and point out the boundaries thereof to intending purchasers ; and for further particulars application may be made to William Tytler, Princess-street, Aberdeen, or to Alexander Webster, advocate in Aberdeen, who will shew the title deeds and articles of sale.

Published in the Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday 20th February, 1811.

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