2 June 2019

Accidental death of Stonehaven child

Stonehaven, 1st June, 1819. - A most distressing accident happened here yesterday afternoon.  Just as the Mail Coach was descending from the Bridge of Cowie, and making the quick turn into the Bridge-street, a child of between 3 and 4 years of age, belonging to Mr David Henderson, merchant here, unfortunately chanced to be then nearly in the way of the Coach, and but a very little distance ahead of her, when running to get out of the road, it fell just before the horses, and altho' every possible exertion was made by the driver to stop the horses, and by some people near at the time to save the child, one of the wheels passed over the poor infant's head, and part of the breast, and crushed it to death.

At the instance of the Procurator Fiscal, a precognition was taken to-day, in regard to the way and manner in which the accident happened - and all who were eye witnesses of it declare, that no blame whatever rests with the guard or driver; that altho' the child had belonged to either of them, they could not possibly have saved its life.  The whole blame lies in the abominable bridge over the Cowie water - its excessive narrowness and steepness, besides the acute turn which it causes in coming into the town of Stonehaven.

It is much to be wished that a new bridge were put up, of the proper breadth, and higher up the water, for no person can be safe to pass the present one on foot, at any time, but particularly at night.

Published in the Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday 2nd June 1819.

The child may have been Anne Henderson, daughter of David Henderson and Sarah Hutcheon, whose baptism was recorded in the Fetteresso parochial register on 28th November 1815.

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