23 December 2018

1818 typhus epidemic

We beg to direct the attention of our readers to the very important, and painfully interesting REPORT, upon the subject of the EPIDEMIC FEVER, drawn up by the Sub-Committee, and inserted in a foregoing column.  While the Public cannot but feel deeply obligated to those Gentlemen, who are paying so much attention to the prevention and cure of this alarming malady; we are satisfied that much may be done, to aid them in their benevolent work, would Landlords and Proprietors enforce the execution of those salutary instructions which they have issued; by immediately visiting their respective Properties; causing the Furniture therein to be washed; the Windows made to open; the Roofs and Walls thoroughly washed with quick-lime; and all Dunghills and Ash-pits to be cleared away.

Published in the Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday 23rd December 1818.

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