1 July 2018

Sudden death of Alexander Michie

SUDDEN DEATH. - On Sunday the 21st inst. during the afternoon service, in the Parish of Old Deer, ALEXANDER MICHIE, an old labouring man belonging to Kinmundy, dropped suddenly down in presence of the congregation, and appeared to be quite overcome by the heat of the church, and the pressureof the crowd.  He was immediately carried out, that he might receive the benefit of the air, which, it was hoped, would soon revive him.  After a short time, he was enabled to proceed on his way home, accompanied by two of his neighbours; but no sooner had he reached the Parsonage belonging to the English Episcopal Chapel at Old Deer, about half a mile, than he was seized more violently, and was obliged to be conveyed into the house of the Rev. Mr Lawson.  Medical assistance was immediately procured, but with no effect: he only survived an hour, and then breathed his last!  The disease which thus terminated his existence, was found to be apoplexy.  In the morning of the same day, he had partaken of the solemn ordinance of the Lord's Supper; and from the general tenor of his life and conversation, it is humbly hoped, before the conclusion of the Sabbath, which proved his last on earth, he entered on an eternal Sabbath above, and sat down at that higher table, where the cloth is never withdrawn, the entertainment never ends, and the guests no more go out.

Published in the Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday 1st July 1818.

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