20 November 2016

Victims of snowstorm on Cairn o'Mount

Janet Grant and John Cowie, in crossing the Cairn o'Mount, from the parish of Strachan, to the parish of Fordoun, last Saturday evening, were overtaken by a severe snow storm, lost the road, and after wandering for some time, were obliged, through fatigue, to sit down about a mile from Know-greens.  Cowie, having previously wrapped his companion in his great-coat, made several efforts, through the first part of the night, to recover the road; but not succeeding, he got back to where she was, and in a few hours became insensible.  Janet Grant was, with great difficulty, when the morning dawned, able to get to Know-greens, where she was put to bed, and treated with much humanity. - She was next day brought home, and although still confined to bed, is gradually recovering.  Immediately on her arrival at Know-greens, search was made for Cowie, who was found stiff and cold, and covered with a coat of ice.  He was brought home to his father's house where all means recommended for restoring suspended animation were tried by Dr Cameron; but, after above six hours incessant labour, in which he was cheerfully assisted by all around him, we lament to say that all their humane exertions proved in vain.  The many accidents which have occurred in the winter season, in the Cairn o'Mount, should be a warning to persons obliged to cross that hill, not to attempt doing so either in a thick fog, or in a snow storm, especially when the night is approaching.  This is the second person whose life has been lost in that hill since the first of December last.

Published in the Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday 20th November 1816.

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