22 May 2016

Justices Court cases

The Justices, in a Court held at Rathen, on Monday se'nnight, fined Robert Maitland, Feuar in Newpitsligo, in £1 14s. sterling, in name of fine and expences, on a complaint brought against him, by Lewis Chalmers, Factor for Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo, for shooting on that Estate without a licence.

William Hughes, John Hughes, Mary Hughes, Barbara Henderson, and Helen Henderson, accused of coining, were brought from Perth on Monday night, and lodged in the tolbooth, to take their trial before the High Court of Justiciary.

By the vigilance of the parish officer of Carlisle, another gang of vagrants, travelling with forged passes, were detected last week.  They came from Stonehaven and Aberdeen, accompanied by several children, and it would appear, were on their way to Folkestone, in Kent.  In their route they raised nearly £10 - they came through Hawick, Langholm, and Longtown.  Suspecting that their nefarious plan was detected, they decamped without calling a second time for money; the passports were detained.  Two of the women travelled under the names of Tully and Dallison.

Published in the Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday 22nd May 1816.

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