3 July 2011

Alexander Wilson, Fraserburgh


There will be exposed to Sale by public roup, by adjournment, on Saturday the 20th day of July current, between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock mid-day,

THAT FEU at the Head of Manse-street, with the HOUSES, STABLES, BARN, and BYRES, lately belonging to, and presently possessed by Alexander Wilson, Road Contractor, and by him disponed to Trustees for behoof of his Creditors.  - The houses are in good repair, and well worth the attention of the public.  Entry may be had to the premises immediately after the roup, as the present possessor will be removed before that time.

All those having claims on the estate of the said Alexander Wilson, are hereby required to lodge said claims, with affidavits thereon as to their verity, in the hands of Lewis Chalmers, writer in Fraserburgh, one of the trustees, betwixt and the 1st day of August next: with certification, that if they fail to do so, they will be cut out of any share of the bankrupt's subjects.  - The division will be made, and the dividents paid, immediately after the said 1st day of August next.

Published in the Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday 3rd July, 1811.

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