12 August 2018

Drowning tragedy at Aberdeen beach

Melancholy Accident. - On Thursday last, two fine young men, David Watson, and David Greig, cartwrights, each about 25 years of age, were unfortunately drowned while bathing in the sea here.  David Greig had come out of the water, and was in the act of dressing himself, when he observed Watson struggling for his life; and rushing in to his assistance, lost his life in the humane attempt to save his fellow-workman.  There were several people on the beach, one of whom went in, and extended his hand to the sufferer, who attempting to grasp him by the neck, he was, for his own safety, obliged to abandon him to his fate.  Another lad went in, and threw the safety rope, kept by the proprietor of the Bathing Machines, towards the spot, but without effect; both the lads had already sunk under water, and were unable to see it.  The many accidents of this nature which we have occasion to notice, prove strongly the extreme danger of bathing on our beach, at low water, where the bottom is very uneven, and shelving into numberless holes.  The body of Watson was got out soon after the accident; and the usual means applied by a medical gentleman, to restore animation; but in vain.  The body of his unfortunate companion was not found until Monday night.

Published in the Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday 12th August 1818.

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