5 June 2011

Thomas Robertson, Orton


THOMAS ROBERTSON, late Servant at ORTON, having died in embarrassed circumstances, the few articles which he left were sold by public roup, under the authority of the Sheriff of Elginshire, and the proceeds lodged with the Sheriff Clerk for behoof of the Creditors: and JAMES ANDERSON, vintner in Banff, having lodged a claim for a preference on the whole proceeds, in payment of the Deathbed and Funeral Charges, the Sheriff pronounced an interlocutor, of which the following is a copy, and of which notice is hereby given to all concerned.

"Elgin, 27th May, 1811. - The Sheriff Substitute having considered this Petition, before proceeding to judge therein, in order that all the Creditors of the deceased Thomas Robertson may have an opportunity of lodging their grounds of debt, and being ranked on the funds of the Bankrupt now lodged with the Sheriff Clerk of this county, ORDAINS intimation to be made in the Aberdeen and Inverness Journals to the Creditors of the said Thomas Robertson, to appear and produce their grounds of debt, within three weeks from the date of such intimation, Certifying to them that if they fail in lodging their claims and grounds of debt, within that period, that they will be cut out from any share of the Bankrupt's funds."
(Signed) GEO. FENTON.
Elgin, 28th May, 1811.

Published in the Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday 5th June, 1811.

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